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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
You are here : Events & Education  >  Webinars

SSA's Online University Legal Webinar program is a series of live, interactive web events presented by the best legal team in the self storage industry.

Who should tune in? These webinars are intended for owners, managers, and anyone concerned about day to day self storage legal issues.

Admission for the live webinars is FREE for SSA direct members and affiliated members on a first-come first-served basis.

To view and hear the webinar, you will need:

  • internet access, a computer with a sound card and speakers or a headset;
  • instructions on preparing your computer for the webinar;
  • to add and to your email's safe list so that your confirmation can be sent to you at the email address you provide on your registration.

What is a Webinar?

Short for Web-based seminar, it is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web using video conferencing software. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements -- the ability to give, receive and discuss information. Contrast with Webcast, in which the data transmission is one way and does not allow interaction between the presenter and the audience.

All SSLN webinars are available for purchase after the presentation date.  Please contact for more information.

Webinar Recordings Available for Sale

Nonmember price of $39.99 each
Member price of $29.99 each (will show for members after log in)

All recordings are .WMV files and can be played back on your computer's media player. Each recording also includes PDF handouts of the topic discussed in the Webinar.

Avoiding Tenant Mistakes
How to make sure your tenants avoid a number of common mistakes: storing in wrong unit; storing perishables; improper change of address; and more!
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Rents, Late Fees and Other Charges: Handling Changed Contract Terms
Procedures to follow and problems to avoid in handling changed contract terms.
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What to Do When You Have a Tenant Loss or Damage Claim
Procedures to follow and problems to avoid in handling customer claims of property loss or damage.
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Lien Sales of Titled Property: Cars, Boats and RV’s
What is titled property?
How is titled property transferred?
Landlord's lien on titled property
Public sale procedure
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Dealing With Claims From Non-Tenants: Third Party Rights and Storage Owner Defenses
Learn the risks of third party (non-tenant) claims against self storage operators involving personal injuries, property damage claims and foreclosure sales. There will be case studies, an analysis of legal defenses available to operators and a discussion of “Lessons Learned.”

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Tenant Delinquencies and Bankruptcies: The Obstacles to Rent Collections
Learn how to avoid defaults; When you can use the lien remedy and when you cannot; Alternatives to the lien sale; How to resolve debt during bankruptcy; What you need to know about handling military customers.
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Holding Auctions: Understanding the Process and Rules for Operators
Five Critical Tests in the Lien Sale Timeline
Checklist of Essential Pre-Sale Requirements
What to Include in Bid Rules and Sales Transaction Policies
Pre-sale and Sale Day Problems and Solutions
After-sale Accounting, Handling of Sale Proceeds, and Collecting Remaining Debt
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Tenant Deaths and Divorces: What’s an Operator to Do?
Who can take possession of a deceased tenant’s goods?
What to do before disposing of a deceased tenant’s property.
What rights does an executor have to the deceased tenant’s space?
When tenants divorce, who has the right to access the unit?
Defining tenancy when multiple parties have a stake in the rental space
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The Latest News in Tenant Fees: A Legal Update on Late Fees, Sale Fees and Everything in Between
Get the legislative update on late fees in the self storage industry and important cases that affect self storage operators and what can be charged to tenants. You'll also discover the best way to communicate to your customers what they will be charged and can be charged as a tenant at your facility.

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Mobile Storage: Legally Speaking, a Very Different Kind of Storage Business
Many self storage operators are involved in, or have considered providing this type of storage. Mobile storage presents legal issues very different from self storage. Learn how these legal differences affect everything from contracts to handling delinquencies.
Purchase Download.

What You need to Know about Updating and Presenting Your Rental Agreement to Customers
Key self storage rental agreement provisions you should not overlook. What you might want to leave out of the rental agreement. Helpful tips on presenting the rental agreement to your customers.
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Keeping it Cool and Keeping it Legal: Handling Tenant Claims, Responding to Problems, and Preparing Incident Reports
Effective handling of customer problems can prevent customer claims and lawsuits. This webcast will provide you with tips on documenting incidents and techniques to handle customer problems with solutions rather than lawsuits.
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The Presenters

Information you can rely on directly from the experts in self storage law

 Scott Zucker, Esq. specializes in real estate and business litigation at Weissmann and   Zucker, PC, and provides consultation to self storage companies in foreclosure, on lien sales, liability and loss control safeguards. A partner with Carlos Kaslow, Esq.  in the Self Storage Legal Network, Scott authored SSA's Legal Topics in Self Storage: a Sourcebook for Owners and Managers, and co-authored SSA's The Best [Questions and Answers] of the Self Storage Legal Network, as well as annotated lien laws for several states.



Carlos Kaslow, Esq. is the founding partner of the Self Storage Legal Network and has over twenty years of experience in the self storage industry. He is publisher/editor of SSA's Self Storage Legal Review, and has authored self storage lien manuals for several states. He is also SSA general counsel and co-author of SSA's The Best [Questions and Answers] of the Self Storage Legal Network, and SSA's Rental Agreement Handbook.



The Self Storage Legal Network (SSLN) is available only to SSA members and is one of the best sources available for obtaining industry related legal information. SSA members have exclusive access to the legal hotline services of the SSLN


Recordings of all completed webcasts are available for 24-7 access in pay-per-view format for downloading and playing at your convenience.

NEW! Self Storage Introductory Guide

Here's a preview of the latest Webcast in PDF format (the full webcast will be posted soon). Members, download the PDF here. You must be logged in to access this file.

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